
Aligning Economic & Workforce Development Plans Workshop – Economic development is critical for the long-term health of a community. For plans to succeed, businesses need the workforce to grown and evolve. Residents need the education, licenses, certificates, technology skills, and experience to obtain in-demand Abd well-paying jobs.

This is a complicate, multi-year task, requiring establishing goals, measurements of success, and implementation plans. Policies, procedures and tools have to be put into place for tracking actions taken, results and and making appropriate modifications. It requires a strategic partnership between government agencies, businesses and schools. This takes time and money. The better the communications and coordination between the strategic partners, the shorter the time required and the more costs are reduces.

Working with your strategic partners, our workshop provides hands-on exercises for developing and aligning economic and workforce plans.

Workforce Needs and Educational Offering Survey – Our survey gathers workforce needs of local businesses by job title and includes required education, licensees, certificates, technical skills, and hiring needs for the next 4 years. We also survey local schools to identify the offerings of educational programs, licenses, certificates, technical skills, and graduation dates. This allows us to determine if the schools are providing their students for the jobs needed by the businesses. This helps to ensure businesses have the workforce they need to grow and evolve and students are prepared for in-demand and well-paying jobs.

Career Day Series – This series provides interactive webinars with career and industry experts to   explores how careers and jobs  are changing. It helps students develop a plan for acquiring the skills and knowledge in the areas of technology, communications, organization, and self-motivation for these changing times.

Virtual Job Shadowing – As students identify careers and jobs of interest, we work with the school and business partners to provide web-based virtual job shadowing. Students work alongside a business mentor remotely.

Work Based Learning Program – As students identify specific careers in which they want to complete a work based learning program, we provide our virtual work based learning platform.

Socrategy Align Platform – Our platform provides the communications, coordination, and support for our Aligning Workforce Needs and School Career Offering programs. This includes:

  • Business and school surveys
  • Professional development workshops for teachers and business partners
  • Online classes for students
  • Policies and procedures
  • Tracking and reporting activities